Sunday, July 8, 2012

Amy's 30th Birthday!

Look who turned 30 on June 30th!
 Amy turned 30! I love this picture of her. It's too cute!
Last Saturday, we went to a birthday party for her!
 Balloons outside waiting on the birthday girl!
 Russell and I helped decorate.
 I loved this poster Amy's parents made for Amy. So sweet! I loved all the pictures!
 I told Tony we would make homemade lemonade for the party. We used about 12 lemons. It was worth the work to make it, though! Russell was a huge help with that!
 There was lots of food!

 Cake and cookies-yum!
 She was so excited!
 Me and Amy!
 Cousins! Amy and Russell
 Amy and Tony!
 Amy is a very talented pianist. So many people love listening to her play piano. She plays beautifully!
 "30" cookies!
Rick's Bakery is awesome!
 Flower arrangement from Ron and Debbie and a fruit arrangement! The fruit tasted fabulous by the way. My favorite was the chocolate covered pineapple!
 Displayed pictures
 I love him!
 Somone gave Amy an inflatable Advil. Leighann sure enjoyed playing with it! HAHA!

 Leighann and Russell are such buddies!
 Enjoying her cookie!
 Amy opening presents
Russell, me, Amy and Tony
What blessings they are! We had such a blast together, as always!
Amy, you are a wonderful friend of mine and such a great blessing! Thank you for always being there for me and supporting me in whatever has happened throughout the years. I want you to know I'll always be there for you! Love you lots!

Begin the music, strike the timbrel, play the melodious harp and lyre. Psalm 81:2