Two very special young ladies came over to my house today! I have known Emily and Kendall ever since they were born! They have always been very special to me. We got to get together for a girl's night out!
Emily, me and Kendall
We went to the movies to see "Charlie St. Cloud". It was pretty good. Then we had pizza for dinner and made dessert: Sopapilla Cheesecake!
Here are 2 of my favorite girls cooking away!
All 3 of us! Cooking is so fun!
And of course, here is the sopapilla cheesecake! Easy as pie to make, too! We had a good time together.
On another note, it is just plain H-O-T here in south Arkansas. Just hot, ya'll! WHOO! Hope ya'll are staying cool where you live! Have a great day!
For God is not the author of confusion but of peace. 1 Corinthians 14:33
For God is not the author of confusion but of peace. 1 Corinthians 14:33